Feb 4, 2023 | Once Upon A Jewel, The Inner Jewel
It may surprise you that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. Nor is it just culture telling us sparkling jewels are beautiful: our ancestors also found beauty in gemstones and loved to adorn themselves with them even before they could put their love into...
Jan 26, 2023 | Colored Gems
One of the world’s most beloved gemstones, garnet has a long lineage and a somewhat unruly family tree. Because the garnet group is so diverse, gem garnets come in almost every color. Let’s take a walk through the world of garnets and see how dazzling they can be....
Nov 10, 2022 | Colored Gems, The Inner Jewel
Inherit the beauty and energy of the Earth by wearing her rare treasures. I recently wrote a booklet given to Golden Door guests during my visit two weeks ago on energy chakras and gems associated with healing. Let me share a bit with you. Everything...