
“I had to include parrots in my Reflections Collection,” says Cynthia Renée. “They are so full of life, love and color. They will want to be worn close as a jewelry talisman – talisman that lend support to fly, look beautiful, and communicate with fun, light-filled...

Sapphire Dreams

Looking for a story with a happy ending?  Read on… Once upon a time, there was a bright and beautiful woman who became a wife and mother while working smart and savvy in finance, taking charge of her life so that she could retire while her son was in college and...

Hardness & Durability

A gem’s hardness is often misunderstood by the layperson. Let’s clear that up. Watch the video, or read on for details. There is a difference between hardness and durability. Have you heard that a diamond is the hardest natural substance? It has a hardness of 10,...

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