A Short Walk through the World of Garnets

One of the world’s most beloved gemstones, garnet has a long lineage and a somewhat unruly family tree.  Because the garnet group is so diverse, gem garnets come in almost every color.  Let’s take a walk through the world of garnets and see how dazzling they can be....

Pass the Bubbly Please

Diana Jarret raises a glass in praise of Cynthia Renee’s exquisite champagne diamond, baroque pearl, and gorgeous blush pink-toned gems in her article for “Life in Naples”. Read more… See Cynthia Renée's custom jewelry design portfolio here....

Jewelry Care During Summertime

#1. Avoid Chlorine WHY: Chlorine & hand sanitizers pit metal surfaces and destroy the  luster and polish of pearls and many colored gemstones. DO: Take your jewelry off before swimming in a chlorinated pool, bathing & dishwashing. Put your jewelry in a safe...

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