Mar 8, 2021 | Designing Eye, Jewelry Styling, Legacy Jewels
Written by Peggy Jo Donahue and originally published by the Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmiths Association – December 13, 2011 When custom jeweler Cynthia Renée’s client, Mary, first came to visit her in 2003, she had a hunch that a lot of retailers...
Mar 3, 2021 | Only Life is More Colorful
How much of love is served by memory? I bet you all remember your first kiss – maybe even what your beloved was wearing when you met. My parents were married 57 years. It wasn’t a “they lived happily ever after” marriage – it was a deep, character building...
Mar 20, 2013 | Designing Eye, News & Press
Each February, the gem and jewelry industry gathers in the Tucson desert for a gala dinner banquet sponsored by the American Gem Trade Association. It honors the winners of the AGTA Spectrum Awards, the industry’s most sought-after awards for designers of...