Long Distance Jewelry

Do you know we don’t need to meet in person to create together? Let’s Visit! So much of my work is creating with clients long-distance, often via video visit. Between video conferencing, phone calls, FedEx and my shipping insurance, a busy person can bring...

Hardness & Durability

A gem’s hardness is often misunderstood by the layperson. Let’s clear that up. Watch the video, or read on for details. There is a difference between hardness and durability. Have you heard that a diamond is the hardest natural substance? It has a hardness of 10,...

Enlightenment – 27 December 2012

When Cynthia Renee saw an antique Japanese candle lamp on a journey of relaxation and contemplation at the Golden Door Spa in southern California, she knew she had found an image around which to design a jewel. The peace-filled imagery of candlelight spoke to the...

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