Apr 18, 2018 | Jewelry Care
You may have missed the breaking news last week that Paris Hilton’s $2Million engagement ring was found in a Miami club ice bucket last weekend. While dancing with her hands in the air, the giant ring flew off in a packed and dark venue during “crazy early hours of...
Oct 29, 2017 | Jewelry Care
After Sunday’s Oscars, media snipes targeted Nicole Kidman’s clapping style. I suspect Nicole knows something the snarkers don’t: enthusiastic clapping can seriously damage fine rings. Let me tell you how to protect your rings while expressing your enthusiasm during...
Oct 8, 2010 | Once Upon A Jewel
In 1990, soon after I started Cynthia Renée Company, I met some friends to celebrate an engagement. I wore a small, yellow gold brooch of Marie Antoinette hand-painted on ivory accented by natural pearls. I was in the office of an antique jewelry dealer friend when I...