Mar 13, 2018 | Once Upon A Jewel
In the Spring of 2010, I took on the challenge of immortalizing one man’s love and devotion to his wife for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The end result, after three long years of hard work involving an extensive global gem search, meticulous examination of...
Nov 1, 2017 | Once Upon A Jewel
Have you had those fleeting moments in life when you experienced an unusually profound insight, a feeling of connectedness or intimacy? It’s as if God pulls a curtain back, showing us the deeper workings of life. Then, it’s over, and we’re back to...
Dec 14, 2010 | Once Upon A Jewel
“To Cynthia, Enjoy the Heavens, Warren Bopp” One of my treasured possessions is the photo of the Hale-Bopp comet backlighting a forest of Saguaro cactus signed by Warren Bopp. Star Trek still reigns, and now Shatner and I have some heft to throw around....