Mom’s Last Words: Jewelry as a Living Legacy

How much of love is served by memory? I bet you all remember your first kiss – maybe even what your beloved was wearing when you met. My parents were married 57 years.  It wasn’t a “they lived happily ever after” marriage – it was a deep, character building...

“Ice, Ice, Baby”

Hanging on a rope 30 feet down a glacial crevasse, I waited as the team set up ropes to pull me out. Four days spent learning the ropes of expedition mountaineering on Mt. Rainier included lessons on extricating your partner from a crevasse. Glacial ice isn’t like the...

Sapphire Dreams

Looking for a story with a happy ending?  Read on… Once upon a time, there was a bright and beautiful woman who became a wife and mother while working smart and savvy in finance, taking charge of her life so that she could retire while her son was in college and...

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