Cynthia Appleseed

I was crisscrossing the country, bounding to build my business. I felt like “Run Run Rudolph” in the Chuck Berry song, tearing up the highways and “reelin’ like a merry-go-round.” When I became too frazzled from the frenzy during those years, I gave myself the pep...

Don’t Lose your Head

In 1990, soon after I started Cynthia Renée Company, I met some friends to celebrate an engagement. I wore a small, yellow gold brooch of Marie Antoinette hand-painted on ivory accented by natural pearls. I was in the office of an antique jewelry dealer friend when I...

Chief Earrings

 I told my friend Clare I was going to Sri Lanka to explore; that by going “something would happen.” I was feeling drained, missing my softness, the juiciness I needed to nurture creative life. Traveling someplace new sometimes shakes things up providing fresh...

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