May 6, 2020 | Once Upon A Jewel
Feelings can be so raw and hearts so tender that words are clumsily inadequate for expressing them. Our hearts break, simultaneously expanding, ushering us through a terra incognita where emotions and meaning can be more powerfully expressed by symbols. Feelings can...
May 14, 2019 | Boutique Treasures
Have you heard of the “Red Thread of Destiny?” It is the belief that people destined to meet are connected with an invisible Red Thread. This thread can get tangled and pulled but it will never break. Those connected by this Red Thread will play a major part in each...
Jun 11, 2015 | Colored Gems
“For the rest of my life, I will reflect on what light is.” Albert Einstein understood the power of light. When awed by the beauty of a gem, it’s the light, not the stone, which moves us. The dance between light and gem reflects that of a relationship—sometimes...