Dec 14, 2010 | Cynthia's Reflections, News & Press
“And the envelope please….” We won First Place in the Oscars of the colored gem and jewelry world: The 2011 Spectrum Award’s Evening Wear Division. Our winning necklace features 75.89 carats of Minty-Green, Afghani Tourmaline set in...
Oct 22, 2010 | Once Upon A Jewel
What’s the most romantic piece of jewelry I’ve created? I’d have to say it was a project that came to me years ago. The client was even more in love with his wife than when they married 12 years prior. Over the decades, we worked together on an...
Oct 22, 2010 | Colored Gems
Celestial Gems for a Stellar Love It took five years to source the gems and craft a dream of a garland necklace for a 15th anniversary gift. This client wanted to garland his wife’s neck with jewels the color of heaven. He chose blue, the color poets say paves...