Apr 16, 2019 | Once Upon A Jewel
Colorful expressions are utilizing jewelry adorned with colored gemstones to convey self-expression and personal significance. Initiation and growth are Spring’s hallmarks. It’s 37 degrees the day I’m writing. Since the garden is mostly dormant, let’s look at the...
Jun 11, 2015 | Colored Gems
“For the rest of my life, I will reflect on what light is.” Albert Einstein understood the power of light. When awed by the beauty of a gem, it’s the light, not the stone, which moves us. The dance between light and gem reflects that of a relationship—sometimes...
Jun 5, 2013 | Boutique Treasures, Designing Eye
Is there anything more beautiful in summer than a trellis next to a pool? The cool shade and scented air, redolent of flowers and vines, contrast with the brilliant crystalline of a pool’s still surface. trellis photo © Ollie Crafoord What if you could keep that...