
“I had to include parrots in my Reflections Collection,” says Cynthia Renée. “They are so full of life, love and color. They will want to be worn close as a jewelry talisman – talisman that lend support to fly, look beautiful, and communicate with fun, light-filled...

Of Mice & Moonstones

Illuminate: to brighten with light “Beauty and nature have always supported me, and I find myself turning again and again to the metaphors the natural world provides,” says Cynthia Renée. “I purchased the hand-carved moonstone mice and the cat’s-eye moonstone pairs...


Joy: a feeling of great pleasure, delight “I had to include parrots in my Reflections Collection,” says Cynthia Renée. “They are so full of life, love, and color. They will want to be worn close as a jewelry talisman – a talisman that lends support to fly, look...

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