Jun 5, 2013 | Boutique Treasures, Designing Eye
Is there anything more beautiful in summer than a trellis next to a pool? The cool shade and scented air, redolent of flowers and vines, contrast with the brilliant crystalline of a pool’s still surface. trellis photo © Ollie Crafoord What if you could keep that...
May 1, 2013 | Boutique Treasures, Designing Eye, The Inner Jewel
A torii is a traditional Japanese gateway, found originally at Shinto shrines. The gateway symbolizes a passage from the world of everyday concerns to the sacred world of universal community. The ancient Japanese also believed that they were erecting torii to provide...
Mar 5, 2013 | Cynthia's Reflections, News & Press
Cynthia was recently interviewed in January by Accomplished Minds – check out the video below or watch it on their site! To see more of Cynthia’s custom jewelry design work,...