
Joy: a feeling of great pleasure, delight “I had to include parrots in my Reflections Collection,” says Cynthia Renée. “They are so full of life, love, and color. They will want to be worn close as a jewelry talisman – a talisman that lends support to fly, look...

Origami Origins

Origami, from ori meaning “folding”, and kami meaning “paper,” is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding. Practitioners of the art can transform a flat sheet of paper into a piece of beautiful—if ephemeral—art, through folding and...

Blinded by the Light

“For the rest of my life, I will reflect on what light is.” Albert Einstein understood the power of light. When awed by the beauty of a gem, it’s the light, not the stone, which moves us.  The dance between light and gem reflects that of a relationship—sometimes...

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