The Creativity of Getting Lost and Found

There we were on the hillbilly highway slowly scooting around the hairpin turns, the forest’s thick growth providing cool shade along with alarm as we wondered what crops and bodies were hidden by that lushness. My 17-year old daughter and I left Asheville an hour...

Is Pink the Navy Blue of India?

“I adore Pink; it’s the Navy Blue of India,”… …revered Vogue editor Diana Vreeland exclaimed excited by the photographs taken in India by photographer Norman Parkinson. I suspect she meant just as navy blue is a classic color element in...

Everything is Connected

Isn’t it fascinating seeing how the dots in our lives connect over time? “Chance” encounters or “wrong” turns can be the start of a new purpose, occupation or passion. Have you ever met somebody who took a chance on you, and that made all the difference?...

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