May 1, 2013 | Boutique Treasures, Designing Eye, The Inner Jewel
A torii is a traditional Japanese gateway, found originally at Shinto shrines. The gateway symbolizes a passage from the world of everyday concerns to the sacred world of universal community. The ancient Japanese also believed that they were erecting torii to provide...
Nov 13, 2012 | Boutique Treasures, Designing Eye
Mosaic is the art of creating images and patterns using tesserae, small pieces of glass, stone or other colorful materials. An ancient decorative skill, mosaics have been assembled since the second half of the third millennium BC, in Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome and...
Apr 25, 2011 | Cynthia's Reflections, News & Press
Cheryl Cecchetto, Producer of the Academy Award’s Govenors’ Ball, wearing Cynthia Renee’s Spectrum award-winning Green Tourmaline and Palladium necklace in this clip from ABC’s 2011 Oscars Red Carpet coverage (0:50 in the clip below). [media id=7]...