Mar 8, 2021 | Designing Eye, Once Upon A Jewel
Written by Peggy Jo Donahue and originally published by the Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmiths Association – December 13, 2011 When custom jeweler Cynthia Renée’s client, Mary, first came to visit her in 2003, she had a hunch that a lot of retailers...
Jun 11, 2020 | Boutique Treasures, Designing Eye
“I had to include parrots in my Reflections Collection,” says Cynthia Renée. “They are so full of life, love and color. They will want to be worn close as a jewelry talisman – talisman that lend support to fly, look beautiful, and communicate with fun, light-filled...
Sep 28, 2018 | Cynthia's Reflections
Well, that summer flew past. Hurricane Florence did her best to blow away summer’s last beams, leaving us welcoming Fall. But, we’ll always have Nevada. A few months ago, I put my QVC sales training to the test selling my two teen daughters on the idea of a summer...