Divine Fire

“Now I know where Prometheus hid the fire he stole from the gods,” was a friend’s reaction upon seeing fire opal for the first time. It probably wasn’t the best hiding place. Opal can burn with a vivacity that cannot be extinguished. Opal tempts...


“Well, it’s a marvelous night for a moon dance,” sings troubadour Van Morrison. He is singing to all moonstruck creatures when he does so, and nature’s most famous moon dancers are sea turtles. Between June and August of every year, the waxing...

Celestial Gems

Celestial Gems for a Stellar Love It took five years to source the gems and craft a dream of a garland necklace for a 15th anniversary gift. This client wanted to garland his wife’s neck with jewels the color of heaven. He chose blue, the color poets say paves...

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