My Mother

Cynthia lost her mother last June, and, as she has done for so many clients, she sought a way to memorialize her in precious metals and stones, with an heirloom jewel she could eventually pass on to her own daughters. Custom Heirloom Jewelry Rainbow Moonstone Diamond...

Pleasure Garden

The memories came pouring out of Cynthia Renee’s client, whose husband had gifted her with a custom designed Cynthia Renee ring for their seventh anniversary. A young mother who had started her life in Eastern Europe, one of the client’s earliest...

Enlightenment – 27 December 2012

When Cynthia Renee saw an antique Japanese candle lamp on a journey of relaxation and contemplation at the Golden Door Spa in southern California, she knew she had found an image around which to design a jewel. The peace-filled imagery of candlelight spoke to the...

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