Oct 22, 2012 | Colored Gems
“Blackberry winter” – a farmer’s expression familiar to country folk – evokes a day in late spring when one wakes up to a cold snap. Though the chill seems to threaten the season’s delicate fruit blossoms and tender seedlings, they...
Dec 14, 2010 | Once Upon A Jewel
“To Cynthia, Enjoy the Heavens, Warren Bopp” One of my treasured possessions is the photo of the Hale-Bopp comet backlighting a forest of Saguaro cactus signed by Warren Bopp. Star Trek still reigns, and now Shatner and I have some heft to throw around....
Oct 22, 2010 | Once Upon A Jewel
What’s the most romantic piece of jewelry I’ve created? I’d have to say it was a project that came to me years ago. The client was even more in love with his wife than when they married 12 years prior. Over the decades, we worked together on an...