Gem Services Concierge

I was born with an eye.   What makes it useful is 34 years of evaluating gem materials and assigning their characteristics to a mental grid I file away. One place my eye and savvy come into play every year is Tucson, which hosts the largest gathering of international...

Save your Fork, there’s Pie!!!

That phrase is a running joke in our family, at least when my parents were alive. Dad married an Indiana farm girl; her maiden name Baker hinting of the future scores of pie crusts rolled out on the kitchen table over the five decades they were married. Dad loved pie....

Jewelry Storage

Friends, many of you ask for advice on storing your jewelry. Jewelry storage has two main themes:  safety and accessibility. Your jewels are better off separated from each other so they do not abrade or scratch. Jewelry storage should also be accessible. If it’s...

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