Oct 20, 2017 | Once Upon A Jewel
I learned geological field work in the rugged backcountry of San Diego. Large bodies of molten rocks crystallized beneath the earth’s surface, later forming mountain chains along the state’s notorious faults. The rocks I roamed were sliced by series of “cracks,”...
Sep 3, 2017 | Cynthia's Reflections, News & Press
I’m happy to receive another win in a national competition: First Place for Custom Design Distinction in the MJSA Vision Awards. This winning jewel was a full custom jewelry piece featuring colored gemstones for a client who lives 3,000 miles from me. We did visit in...
Aug 27, 2015 | Boutique Treasures, Designing Eye
The Chinese concept of yin and yang – how seemingly contrary forces are actually complementary – is often explained using metaphors from nature and life. The lightness of air, the solidity of earth; the brilliance of the sun, the dark shadows it frames;...