Hardness & Durability

A gem’s hardness is often misunderstood by the layperson. Let’s clear that up. Watch the video, or read on for details. There is a difference between hardness and durability. Have you heard that a diamond is the hardest natural substance? It has a hardness of 10,...

It all happened so quickly…

Well, that summer flew past. Hurricane Florence did her best to blow away summer’s last beams, leaving us welcoming Fall. But, we’ll always have Nevada. A few months ago, I put my QVC sales training to the test selling my two teen daughters on the idea of a summer...

Heirloom Custom Jewelry from Life’s Key Moments

Have you had those fleeting moments in life when you experienced an unusually profound insight, a feeling of connectedness or intimacy? It’s as if God pulls a curtain back, showing us the deeper workings of life. Then, it’s over, and we’re back to...

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