News and Events
Pass the Bubbly Please

Pass the Bubbly Please

Diana Jarret raises a glass in praise of Cynthia Renee's exquisite champagne diamond, baroque pearl, and gorgeous blush pink-toned gems in her...

Power of Presence

Power of Presence

Imbued with memories and emotions, jewelry is a marker of human experience.

American Gem Trade Association Board Meeting

American Gem Trade Association Board Meeting

On June 7, 2016 the AGTA Board will meet in Las Vegas, Arizona. “The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) is an association of United States and Canadian trade professionals …

Award Queen

Award Queen

Each February, the gem and jewelry industry gathers in the Tucson desert for a gala dinner banquet sponsored by the American Gem Trade Association. It honors the winners of the AGTA Spectrum Awards…

Red Carpet Appearance at the 2011 Oscars

Red Carpet Appearance at the 2011 Oscars

Cheryl Cecchetto, Producer of the Academy Award’s Govenors’ Ball, wearing Cynthia Renee’s Spectrum award-winning Green Tourmaline and Palladium necklace in this clip from ABC’s 2011 Oscars Red Carpet coverage…

2011 MJSA Custom Design 1st Place Winner

2011 MJSA Custom Design 1st Place Winner

Another First Place, this time for Custom Design Distinction the MJSA’s Vision Awards. MJSA is a national association for jewelry makers and designers….

Discover how your jewels can be a guide to personal transformation.


Crafting Custom Jewelry: The Artistic Journey

What to Expect in Creating Your Custom Jewel. Liana, drawn by my newsletters and a friend's suggestion, reached out. Her profound connection to her late husband and their shared passions set the stage for our creative quest.1. Let's TalkUsing Zoom or phone, we learn...

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Weaving Precious Threads: Jewelry for Timeless Connection

Your jewelry serves as a tangible link that weaves together your past, present, and future. Beyond being mere trinkets, they encapsulate the energies of the remarkable individuals who preceded you.“There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s...

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The Brilliance of Danburite: A Gemstone Exploration

Gems can connect us with a feeling, a response to their incredible beauty created over eons on Earth. It's amazing how minerals are formed through natural processes. Skilled hands can transform them into something as dynamic and mesmerizing as this Danburite. Imagine...

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See Cynthia Renée's custom jewelry design portfolio here.


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