My Life in Jewels
“Ice, Ice, Baby”

“Ice, Ice, Baby”

Creating meaningful jewelry to commemorate important moments in life is important to me. I call them dream jewels and hope to pass them down for generations to come. Cherishing these treasures and keeping their stories alive is essential.

What Should We Do With Them?

What Should We Do With Them?

“Oh, I like that lavender and green….,” Laura replied to my text showing her several pairing of gems for three-stone rings. “What should we do with them?” That’s always the next question, isn’t it?   The unset gems move you, but what next?

Pietra Ring

Pietra Ring

I made the Pietra Ring (rock, in Italian) to call to mind my backcountry field work in San Diego.

Custom Jewelry Created from your Life Story

Custom Jewelry Created from your Life Story

Stories give us life. Hard-wired into our being, we don’t just love stories, but need them. Telling our stories, and listening to others’, shines a light on our life path that can also help our loved ones know us more completely or find their way over life’s sometimes rocky trail…

How to Create Your Story in Jewels

How to Create Your Story in Jewels

One of my greatest rewards is working with a client to distill their essence into a custom jewelry piece that tells a story for future generations. Worn through life, our jewelry, now imbued with our memories and feelings, …

My Mother

My Mother

Cynthia lost her mother last June, and, as she has done for so many clients, she sought a way to memorialize her in precious metals and stones, with an heirloom jewel she could eventually pass on to her own daughters…

Mama’s Day

Mama’s Day

I made carrot cake to celebrate our daughter’s first birthday. We all lined up for a taste of sweetness fed by her little hand. I received the necklace four months prior, a gift to mark my first Mother’s Day.

Discover how your jewels can be a guide to personal transformation.


Crafting Custom Jewelry: The Artistic Journey

What to Expect in Creating Your Custom Jewel. Liana, drawn by my newsletters and a friend's suggestion, reached out. Her profound connection to her late husband and their shared passions set the stage for our creative quest.1. Let's TalkUsing Zoom or phone, we learn...

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Weaving Precious Threads: Jewelry for Timeless Connection

Your jewelry serves as a tangible link that weaves together your past, present, and future. Beyond being mere trinkets, they encapsulate the energies of the remarkable individuals who preceded you.“There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s...

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The Brilliance of Danburite: A Gemstone Exploration

Gems can connect us with a feeling, a response to their incredible beauty created over eons on Earth. It's amazing how minerals are formed through natural processes. Skilled hands can transform them into something as dynamic and mesmerizing as this Danburite. Imagine...

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See Cynthia Renée's custom jewelry design portfolio here.


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